Saturday, December 8, 2012

Rules of the taste

This is supposed to just be for fun, so there are only a few simple rules.
  1. The shake must be a limited time holiday flavor. In the event that a restaurant has more than one holiday flavor, I will choose the flavor that appeals the most to me. This means that the blog will be peppermint heavy and eggnog light.
  2. The shake must be ordered and consumed in the restaurant. Nobody likes a melted shake, so time is of the essence in order to have the optimum shake taste experience. Plus consuming it in my car would most likely cause dog fur to be introduced as an additional topping.
  3. Only one shake will be consumed at each sitting. This isn't a Man vs. Food event. If a restaurant has more than one flavor I am interested in, I will have to come back.
  4. Holiday ice cream desserts that are "shake-esque" count. I'm thinking Blizzard here.
  5. The shake will be photographed and evaluated on this blog. There is no set criteria to evaluate a shake. This will just be my general thoughts and overall impression.

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